Wednesday, June 6, 2012

God Has The Right to Interrupt Your Life

In the Christian life, there is such thing called Divine Interruptions. Your plans are not going they way you had previously planned and your dreams' fulfillment are taking longer than you've previously imagined. Your requests are delayed and your journey is interrupted. With a deep sigh, you ask "WHY"?

God has the right to interrupt your life because He has created you. You are created with a purpose—you have a mission in the world to fulfill. God may tell you “Wait a minute, child. What are you doing? You are messing up the plans I have for you.”

God has a right to interrupt your life and when He does, you must be willing to obey. During difficult circumstances, you must find reasons to thank and praise God. You are not a robot and therefore you must allow God to mold your character when difficult things happen to you. 

Because God created you with a will, He does not manipulate it nor control your choices in life. Make sure your choices are in line with God's revealed will.

Nonetheless, God sometimes let you have your ways so that after you are lost in your own wrong choices you will find your way back to Him.